Hi, I am
Maria Volkova /məˈriːə volkoʊva/ (proper noun)
- a digital designer who specializes in UX/UI, web design, graphic design, and branding
- someone who is passionate about web accessibility, and aims to put it at the forefront of her work
- creator of this portfolio
Tutor Plus
Fun and playful, clean, colourful.
The Bar Lady
Simple, sophisticated, with a sprinkle of modern chic.
PitStop – App
Prototype and branding, modern, interactive.
Zine – Witch
Graphic design, monochrome, whimsical.

Hi! I’m Maria (she/her). I’m a UX/UI designer with freelance, agency, in-house, B2B, and B2C experience. I am endlessly fascinated by the way humans interact with technology, which is why I pursued UX/UI design. I am also passionate about accessible and inclusive design, gamification, and sustainable design practices.
In my free time I like to dance, garden, and hang out with my cats. I also love to travel, camp, and hike. Sometimes I joke that my hobby is collecting hobbies, since I seem to pick up something new every few weeks.
My favourite colour is yellow, but a yellow website is tough to do so I had to settle for mustard. Sesame is my personal brand, it’s based on the notion of personal discovery. Open your sesame!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me here or any of my social media accounts. I am always excited to discuss any projects you may have and ways I can help you and your business!